How Can The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ Benefit Agriculture
The negative effects of untreated water can be countered by implementing good water treatment solutions. The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ is one of the treatment solutions to agriculture water filters that will aid in quality crop production and your contribution to increasing general water quality.
There are numerous benefits to using The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ to filter water for agricultural purposes as this solution takes into account the water’s most natural state and treats it to not only eliminate harmful substances but to increase its vitality and quality.
Using The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ will aid your agricultural activities in various ways, but notable few are:
Increased hydration levels
The vortex treatment restores water’s molecular micro-clusters. This enables filtered water to penetrate the ground better, leading to increased water retention levels both for the soil and for the crops.
Restored pH Levels
The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ restores water’s natural properties, allowing the water to reach the most optimal pH levels. Research has shown that following the vortex treatment, water’s pH balance falls between 6.8-7.2.
Improved Cost-effectiveness
In the long run (1-3 months after implementing The Vortex Water Revitalizer™), due to the increased quality of the soil, the soil will hold onto hydration better, thus lessening the required water levels by 20% – 50%. This not only decreases the costs incurred but also improves the farm’s environmental impact.
Eradicated Bacteria & Balanced Micronutrients
Through revitalizing water’s natural capabilities, the treatment not only eradicates undesired bacteria and viruses. The filtration system balances minerals and micronutrients to not have deficient or excessive levels of minerals for the crops.
To treat water on your farm for optimal results take a look at our selection of The Vortex Water Revitalizers™. Our product list is vast to fit your needs!